5月20日14时,朋友公司的postfix的outgoing ip被bl.spamcop.net收录,写信去申述,那边回复

There is spam being sent through this IP:

Received: from foobar.com.cn (HELO localhost) ([221.4..])
by [trap servername] with ESMTP; 19 May 2009 01:xx:xx -0700
From: "Ahmad Crawford" x@x
Subject: Swiss Branded Watches
Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 16:xx:xx +0800


Discovered: April 21, 2004
Updated: February 13, 2007 12:21:49 PM
Also Known As: W32/Netsky.z@MM [McAfee]
Type: Worm
Systems Affected: Windows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP

The W32.Netsky.Z@mm worm is a Netsky variant that scans for the email addresses on all non-CD-ROM drives on an infected computer. Then, the worm uses its own SMTP engine to send itself to the email addresses that it finds.

The From line of the email is spoofed, and its Subject, Message, and Attachment vary. The attachment has a .zip extension.

Note: Symantec Consumer products that support Worm Blocking functionality automatically detect this threat as it attempts to spread.

然后再看spamcop.net回复的Received: from foobar.com.cn (HELO localhost) ([221.4..]),突然想通可能是那个w32.netsky.Z@mm的原因,于是建议他采取以下步骤:
1、在Router或者Proxy上封掉所有LAN 桌面机 的 25 端口,使得此类木马/病毒无用武之地,

今天早上我在spamcop.net看,那个outgping ip已经不在 bl.spamcop.net之列了。